Pastoral Search
What it’s like to live in greensburg, KS
Greensburg is a rural community set on the wide Kansas prairie. Out here, the horizon stretches forever, the sun sets fuschia, and white-humped clouds herd across the blue. “The skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1).
Greensburg is the county seat of Kiowa County, which makes it a hub of activity. The county schools, courthouse, and a modern hospital are located in Greensburg. Agriculture is vital, with fields of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and sorghum surrounding the town. Heading south, the landscape changes to badlands-esque gorges and hills. Greensburg is located near Pratt and Dodge City, two hours from the major city of Wichita, and six hours from the perfect vacation spot of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Airports are located in both Dodge City and Wichita.
After a 2007 tornado devastated the town, Greensburg was built back green with an eye to sustainability and community spirit. The community boasts an attractive downtown with a library, soda fountain, museum, Big Well, and a movie theater/events center where local businesses and organizations sponsor the features. There are many parks and a swimming pool.
Meet Greensburg Mennonite Church
The roots of Greensburg Mennonite Church stretch back to a core group that came out of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (Holdeman) church in 1932. Since then, the congregation has connected deeply in the community and today is made up of anchor older members as well as a strong cohort of younger families with children. Many of the younger families have connections to Barclay College—a local Quaker school—and were attracted to the children’s ministry, community, and simple, heart-felt worship at Greensburg Mennonite.
Following the previous pastor’s stable and fruitful 30-year ministry, Greensburg Mennonite is seeking a shepherd who will lead the congregation into the next chapter. We own an immaculate building that was built fresh after the 2007 tornado. There are many children and a strong spirit of togetherness. Some 60-75 people typically gather for worship on Sunday mornings.
Greensburg Mennonite is a beautiful place for someone who has a vision for rural ministry and a heart for connecting in the community!
Greensburg Mennonite Church is a member of South Central District of LMC.
What You Bring
Greensburg Mennonite is seeking a man with a shepherd’s heart aligned with the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:8-13. He’s someone in tune with the Holy Spirit, passionate about living and teaching the Word of God, and hungry to reach out in the community and make disciples.
Our pastor will work with the Board of Elders to chart vision and lead the congregation. Through the Elders, he is accountable to the congregation. He operates under the oversight of South Central District and LMC.
Duties include:
- Serve as the spiritual leader.
- Plan and conduct a Biblical preaching program.
- Administer the Lord’s Supper and baptism.
- Develop a program of visitation.
- Give general administrative help and counsel in teaching, outreach, and fellowship.
- Develop new spiritual leadership in cooperation with the Board of Elders.
- Receive new members in a public worship service.
- Practice personal self-discipline.
- Attend the annual meeting of South Central District.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of committees at his discretion.
- Give an annual report to the congregation at the annual business meeting.
3+ years ministry experience and post-secondary pastoral training ideal